Face Off (1997) - Castor Troy´s (Nicolas Cage) sunglasses

Movie: Face Off (1997)
Category: Movie Prop
Celebrity: Nicolas Cage
”Isn’t this religious, ah yes. The eternal battle between good and evil, saint and sinners… but you’re still not having any FUN!”

A sunglasses used in the John Woo action classic Face/Off. With a ticking time bomb somewhere in Los Angeles, FBI agent Sean Archer (John Travolta) undergoes dramatic cosmetic surgery, taking the face of captured terrorist Castor Troy (Nicholas Cage) so that he can infiltrate his terrorist cell and find the bomb’s location. But when Troy escapes and has Archer’s face grafted onto his own bare skin, a deadly game of cat and mouse begins.

Nicolas Cage as Castor Troy used this sunglasses near the movie's opening, before Archer's ambush against Troy and his younger brother and accomplice, Pollux at the Los Angeles International Airport.

COA: PropStore of London , Display by CLS.

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